In our last blog post we discussed 3 of our top botanicals and how they are connected to optimal health and why. We discussed Turmeric/Curcumin, bioflavonoids and anthocyanin.
Today we will continue our botanical discussion with 3 more of our top contenders. Once again, our use of the term “botanicals” is in the broad context of the whole plant that includes the root, stem, leaves, fruits, seeds and flowers.
Green Tea

Green tea is one of the most powerful and well researched health foods out there today in our opinion. This tea is made from the “unfermented” leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant. These leaves contains an abundance of “flavonoids”. As discussed in the last blog post, flavonoids are phytochemicals with medicinal benefits such as antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative, and anticancer.
The particularly healthy “flavonoids” in green tea leaves are called Catechin. The Catechin found in the green tea leaves are specifically called Epigallocatechin – 3 gallate (EGCG). EGCG is unique and has amazing health properties which may prevent “cellular damage”. It is a potent antioxidant that protects the cells from free radical damage. Free radical damage is caused by everyday living, toxins, smoking, alcohol, stress and an unhealthy diet. To add further health benefits, it also assists in the repair of mitochondria ( our body’s cellular engines).
Of particularly importance, green tea may assist with Apoptosis. Apoptosis is necessary and programmed death of damaged cells in the body (including cancer cells) that may want to “mutate” in an unhealthy manner. These types of cell mutations can lead to illness and cancers. Apoptosis is necessary as the “clean up” crew so to speak – constantly seeking out old and damaged cells and destroying them before them become an issue.
Green tea can be steeped with hot water and consumed as a beverage. For those who prefer the quick and easy supplement, below is one of our favorites on full scripts.
Sulforaphane is a specific phytochemical of the isothiocyanate family and derived specifically from cruciferous vegetables such as brussels sprouts, kale, broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower. Sulforaphane and Isothiocyanates are well studied showing very potent health benefits. These benefits include: anti-cancer, anti-oxidative, detoxification, heart health, type 2 diabetes/ blood sugar support, and anti-inflammatory.
It is best to consume vegetables to obtain these health benefits. For optimal results, cut or chop up the vegetables. By doing so, it releases enzymes to activate these isothyanines. “Raw” is best but you can lightly cook them as well. For many of us, it can be difficult to consume these extremely powerful health foods. As well, some patients have difficulty digesting these foods. If you cannot stomach your “Brussels sprouts” then there is help in a supplement form. Below is a very good product we like that you can order on Fullscripts.
Garlic has been a health food for thousands of years. It has been used throughout time to treat infections, high blood pressure, digestive issues and tumors.
Garlic contains a powerful phytochemical called Allicin as well as “flavonoids” and “organosulfur” compounds which produce garlics distinctive pungent odor.
Garlic has been heavily researched. In today’s world, garlic may just prove right what many of our ancestors believed were (literally) miracle cures for many ailments. Garlic has been linked to the following health benefits: Cardiovascular (lowered Blood Pressure and Cholesterol), anticancer, immune boosting, antioxidant, and antiviral/antibacterial.
Raw garlic may prove to be the best way to ingest it. Crush up the garlic and let it sit for several minutes to release the active Allicin and the phytochemical compounds. Mix with a 1/4 teaspoon of olive oil and swallow it down! Olive oil is used to coat the stomach as raw garlic may cause heartburn for some patient’s. You can also just simply add raw garlic at the end of the “cook cycle” to meat or vegetables so that it is only slightly cooked and maintaining its potency.
Garlic can leave a pungent aroma on your hands and breath and this may not be desirable for some patients. There are supplement forms of garlic and Allicin that allow you to ingest all the benefits without the odor. We like the standard process product from full scripts below but there are many out there that are really good products!